Artist: Epic Rap Battles of History
Country: Unknown
Adam vs Eve
Artists vs Turtles
Babe Ruth vs Lance Armstrong
Barack Obama vs Mitt Romney
Batman vs Sherlock Holmes
Blackbeard vs Al Capone
Bob Ross vs Pablo Picasso
Bruce Lee vs Clint Eastwood
Cleopatra vs Marilyn Monroe
Darth Vader vs Adolf Hitler 2
Darth Vader vs Adolf Hitler 3
David Copperfield vs Harry Houdini
Doc Brown vs Doctor Who
Donald Trump vs Ebenezer Scrooge
Frank Sinatra vs Freddie Mercury
Gandhi vs. Martin Luther King Jr.
George Washington vs William Wallace
Ghostbusters vs Mythbusters
Goku vs Superman
Hitler vs Vader 2
Hulk Hogan & Macho Man vs. Kim Jong-il
Hulk Hogan and Macho Man vs Kim Jong-Il
Jack the Ripper vs Hannibal Lecter
Mario Bros. vs Wright Bros.
Mario Bros. vs. Wright Brothers
Mario Brothers vs. Wright Brothers
Master Chief vs Leonidas
Michael Jackson vs Elvis Presley
Michael Jordan vs Muhammad Ali
Miley Cyrus vs Joan of Arc
Zeus vs Thor
Steven Spielberg vs Alfred Hitchcock
The B‐52s
Игорь Тальков
To Jyder
Silver Fins
Side Out