Will You Care Lyrics & Tabs by Plastic
Will You Care
guitar chords lyrics
I could never care about you
Only care about each other
I never knew who you are
I never knew what you feel
I never said who I am
I never said what you feel
We talk so much that we never said what really counts
We talk so much that we never said what really counts
I could never care about you
I thought you did'nt care for me
Only care about each other
When we will meet again
I never knew what you want
I never knew what you think
I never said what I want
I never knew what you want
I never knew what you think
I never said what I want
I never said what I think
We talk so much that we never said what really counts
We talk so much that we never said what really counts
I could never care about you
I thought you did'nt care for me
Only care about each other
When we will meet again
I did never care about you
I thought you didnt care for me
Now i care about you but its to late
Will you care for me when im dead