Where did Sally Go? Lyrics & Tabs by The CamPanulas

Where did Sally Go?

guitar chords lyrics

The CamPanulas

Album : Fizziks Enjinn science PlayStop

I took my best new girl for a summer picnic
How could I know it would all turn out tragic?
I turned round to take a sandwich and then lo

She's gone
She's gone
I left my Sally right here
She's gone
She's gone
My Sally just disappeared
I searched for hours but couldn't find her there
I scoured the countryside and found not even a hair
She's gone
She's gone
My Sally vanished away
She's gone

She's gone
My Sally vanished away
She's gone
She's gone
She left no mortal remains
If I didn't know any better then I'd just go insane
Nobody I know has even heard of her name
She's gone
She's gone
I left my Sally right here
She's gone
She's gone
My Sally just disappeared
She's gone
She's gone
My Sally vanished away
She's gone
She's gone
She left no mortal remains

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