Solex in a Slipshod Style Lyrics & Tabs by The Walkabouts

Solex in a Slipshod Style

guitar chords lyrics

The Walkabouts

Album : Train Leaves at Eight 2000 PlayStop

The straps kept slipping off my shoulder
Kept on slipping, in a slipshod style
Look Jimmy look,

Look at it look,
I mistook
You for someone I knew for sometime
Cause he also took his drinks with lime,
Look Jimmy look,
Look at it look!
Yes we took
A quick snifter before the party
Fixed them in a slapdash way for me
So slaphappy

A quick snifter before the party
Fixed them in a slapdash way for me
So slaphappy
We were so slaphappy
So slaphappy
We were so slaphappy
The straps kept slipping off my shoulder
Kept on slipping, in a slipshod style
Look Jimmy look,
Look at it look,
I mistook
You for someone I knew for sometime
Cause he also took his drinks with lime,
Look Jimmy look,
Look at it look!
Yes we took
A quick snifter before the party
Fixed them in a slapdash way for me
So slaphappy
We were so slaphappy
So slaphappy
We were so slaphappy

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