Place I've Found Lyrics & Tabs by Faunts

Place I've Found

guitar chords lyrics


Album : High Expectations / Low ResultsPlayStop

I was waiting every day we laughed (?)
Losing this was all I had
Every time I looked it was (?)

Even while you led me there
If you had left me here with my life (?)
Gave me to this, our (?)
Would you hold me here so close
What awaits me in the end
An' I was loose inside of you
Came to only bring me down
I was loose inside of you
Take me to that place I've found
An' I go on at the ashes we stand (?)
Holding me inside that hand
If you take me there, I will go

An' I go on at the ashes we stand (?)
Holding me inside that hand
If you take me there, I will go
An' if you take me in I will know
That I was loose inside of you
Came to only bring me down
An' I was loose inside of you
Take me to that place I've found

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