Lungs For the race Lyrics & Tabs by Havergal

Lungs For the race

guitar chords lyrics


Album : Lungs for the RacePlayStop

Feel i've grown up in so many ways
in just what seems a few days
to meet and love your past

to lose that hope so fast
but now i have
muscles in my face
but now i have lungs for the race
If i stop writing
my fingers are broken
If i stop dreaming
my intention's been stolen
and i know my breath is making you blue
but it just won't get upon you
I've spread myself as thin as the line
the line that divides the luck of time

but it just won't get upon you
I've spread myself as thin as the line
the line that divides the luck of time
hard to hold what you have
better to give all you can
If i say i've stopped longing i'm lying
If I can't reach i'm not really trying

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