High-Tech Lyrics & Tabs by Jahcoozi


guitar chords lyrics


Album : Blitz N AssPlayStop

feat. M. Sayyid
The hustle brings out drama but you must evolve
Sunrise to Sunset while the world revolves

We just stay high tech
and its “problem solved”
rejust the mindset
All the hate disolves.
We just stay high tech
and its “problem solved”
rejust the mindset
All the Hate disolves
I See my lines work
When they're bought from the enemy
The freedom I was taught
Would be part of the remedy

When they're bought from the enemy
The freedom I was taught
Would be part of the remedy
An animal as seen on a show with David Bellamy
Don't buy all that shit, that voice in my head keeps telling me
they're tryin to take my hobby
my lobby
the mob is tryin to rob me
of my very only copy
and that just fine
if you call me softie
tryin to stop the leftie in me blind to the disillusioned brand that they call mankind

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