Hands in Your Pockets Lyrics & Tabs by Jahcoozi

Hands in Your Pockets

guitar chords lyrics


Album : Blitz N AssPlayStop

Pictures on mantelpiece
But memories have got no face
Laxatives are commonplace

Banana coated just for taste
Vodka that's Rohypnol laced
Older people are misplaced
Bikram Yoga is the craze
I tell u it's a passing phase
Hands in your pockets
Hide you plans scared they'll knock it
Eyes at your feet, fixed on the street
Time to throw in the towel
Get out the quick sand
Stick your hands in your pockets and hide your plans
Breakfast in bed on a tray

Get out the quick sand
Stick your hands in your pockets and hide your plans
Breakfast in bed on a tray
But hospital food sucks as always
Drug dealing no longer pays
Wholesale price has just been raised
Poor but sexy a Berliner phrase
But what else should the gay mayor say
America's one big cliché
Coz Hollywood wants it that way
As the movie creaks along,
I wish that they would say so long
If I wasn't on this crappy plane
I'd never ever watch this film's mundane
Plot of useless silliness
beyond the fringes of consciousness
the pungent smell of airhostess
oh if only I could smoke a J ...
just one J. just one J.

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