Gnomes Bones (BAAL mix) Lyrics & Tabs by Spectrum-X

Gnomes Bones (BAAL mix)

guitar chords lyrics


Album : Gnomes BonesPlayStop

Now look down we strike
Straight under your eyes
We´ll attack against the gnomes

We´ll tear down their homes
Will they rise NO we are stronger crowd
They won´t fight back we´ll shoot `em down
On their forest they have done their rites
But their own god won´t protect, they will die
They get angry `cause
Only little kids fear them
They wanna show their power
But when?
Those stupid brownies
Tried to curse us under their spells
Tried to slave humanity

Those stupid brownies
Tried to curse us under their spells
Tried to slave humanity
To turn our life to hell
They won´t rise NO we have shot `em down
They won´t fight back we are masters now
On their forests they try to cure their wounds
They lost the battle, they are doomed

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