Getyoshitout Lyrics & Tabs by Jahcoozi


guitar chords lyrics


Album : Blitz N AssPlayStop

Getyoshitout: Tell me what you're all about
Gotta get your shit out faster
Quicker than that quick cook pasta

Oren's gonna chop his rastas
Get a job in a bank und das war's!
Gotta be the longest laster
Slave round the clock get plastered
Write to the beat get plastered
Pay for it all on my master.
Gotta get your shit out swift swift
Move up in the line on the list list
Gotta keep you up on your tip toes
Not slack at the back with the slow folk
Now you gotta be nippy and smart
Quick wit, breakneck, sharp little tart

Not slack at the back with the slow folk
Now you gotta be nippy and smart
Quick wit, breakneck, sharp little tart
Slimy little pop bitch scheming little fart
Just do It like that, don't take it to heart
Quick - it's gon be a hit
Quick – Top of the Pops hit
Quick – gotta get the remix
And when you hanging at parties
you better have your long speech
Promo tricks up your sleeve
Name drop kicks you better believe
Gotta do your promo real quick
Gotta come across real real slick
Slicker than the dude who's next to you
Who's slick from the line of coke in the loo.
Everybody's lookin at who's who
Sliming on down with the hip in crew
Thanks for the line love XX
I'll drop you a line love XX
Everybody's hangin' out in the loo
Monologue friends out of the blue
On Monday it's like ... who the hell are you,
On Friday it's like ... don't I know you?

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