All Through the Night Lyrics & Tabs by Axe

All Through the Night

guitar chords lyrics


Album : Twenty Years From Home 1977-1997 hard rock PlayStop

The day is my enemy
The night my friend
For I'm always so alone

Till the day draws to an end
But when the sun goes down
And the moon comes through
To the monotone of the evening's drone
I'm all alone with you
All through the night
I delight in your love
All through the night
You're so close to me
All through the night
From a height far above
You and your love

All through the night
From a height far above
You and your love
Bring me ecstasy
When dawn comes to awaken me
You're never there at all
I know you've forsaken me
Till the shadows fall
But then once again
I can dream
I've the right to be close to you
All through the night

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