Walk Through the Night Side Lyrics & Tabs by Leslie Fish

Walk Through the Night Side

guitar chords lyrics

Leslie Fish

Album : Firestorm: Songs of the Third World War filk PlayStop

Empty street of beads of light.
None spell safety in my sight.
Lend me a knife,

Lend me a life,
So I can make it home tonight.

Walk through the night-side,
Walk like a beast.
Stalk like a caveman,
Stark rock-bottom changes least.

Stalking down the silent stone,
Distance, keep me safe alone
With a ready grip

Stalking down the silent stone,
Distance, keep me safe alone
With a ready grip
On a scrap-iron strip,
Sure as a club of bison bone.

City jungle, yes, it's true.
That's what cops and robbers do.
Try to get free,
That's how to be,
Strong enough to walk it through.

So come on, junkie, rapist, crook,
Stop and take another look.
I'm still alive
And mean to survive,
It's all down in Darwin's book.

Stark rock-bottom changes least

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