Turn off the Light Lyrics & Tabs by Desmod

Turn off the Light

guitar chords lyrics


Album : Iny RozmerPlayStop

Everytime I like to play with fire
Some people say I'm a cheater and a liar
Nothing's gonna help me now

If only I could escape somehow
There's an angel to remind me I'm a sinner
And the devil wants me to be a winner
That rollercoaster I can't drive
God only knows if I stay alive
Turn off the lights and then
Make me feel
You're standing right behind me
Turn off the lights and then
Help me believe
You're watching over me
Tell me have you seen the news today

Help me believe
You're watching over me
Tell me have you seen the news today
I'm that man on TV who's been there
Everyone was laughing at me
How I let this silly world play me
There's a devil who wants to buy my soul
This sounds so wicked, so very rock'n roll
Where's that little angel to help me
Not to lose control and go crazy

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