To the Grave Lyrics & Tabs by Ringworm

To the Grave

guitar chords lyrics


Album : Scars hardcore PlayStop

I watch it die
I don't know why I feel no remorse
Cut out my eyes, petition the skies

A demonic force
A promise in hell to keep you alive
To see what I've done
Tormenting me
I'll always be father like son
Another to burn
Can you feel it slowly turn?
It's never hard to gage
When you see me shake, rage
Fracturing spine, fracturing malign
See what hurts most
My last restraint, my evil saint

Fracturing spine, fracturing malign
See what hurts most
My last restraint, my evil saint
This holy ghost
And as I slowly bleed
It's the only thing need
To weather out the storm
Revenge in any form
All of the hate that we carry
I choose the things that I save
Drown in the wake of indifference
This is the hate that I take to my grave
This is the hate that I will take unto my grave

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