Supra Genius Lyrics & Tabs by Soul Coughing

Supra Genius

guitar chords lyrics

Soul Coughing

Album : Ruby Vroom albums i own PlayStop

Something I can't comprehend,
Something so complex and couched in its equation,
So dense that light cannot escape from...

In the dark, your brain glows, and it goes
Way-um-way, way-um-way, um...
I know you're a supra genius...
I know you're a supra genius...
Will you shoot the blue earth down?
In the space station, polishing the raygun...
You say correllation is not causation.
In the dark, your brain glows, and it goes
Way-um-way, way-um-way, um...
I know you're a supra genius...
I know you're a supra genius...

I know you're a supra genius...
I know you're a supra genius...

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