Suit of Clouds to Ride the Skies Lyrics & Tabs by Half-Handed Cloud

Suit of Clouds to Ride the Skies

guitar chords lyrics

Half-Handed Cloud

Album : Halos + Lassos alternative PlayStop

Parted heavens and came down
Dark clouds, He wore as a crown
With feet on the backs of angels

On the wings of wind riding
Thick clouds His covering
A visit to where earth dwells
Out of the brightness
Of His presence, clouds advanced
Heavy full of snow that turned to rain
Water trickled down the hill that came
And danced under showers
Washing their terrain
Other mountains gaze at Zion
In envy of what God has done
It's where He'll dwell forever

Other mountains gaze at Zion
In envy of what God has done
It's where He'll dwell forever
Extol Him who rides on the clouds
Who rides in the ancient skies
Who dresses up in weather

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