Stupid World Lyrics & Tabs by ApologetiX

Stupid World

guitar chords lyrics


Album : TickedPlayStop

(1 Cor. 1: 18-29, 1 Cor. 3: 19, 20)
You pretend you're wise -- but you can't ignore
You have this emptyness -- could it be the Lord is what you need? You just forget

You don't believe in Him, you don't believe in me
You don't believe in anything that you can't see
Stupid world, stupid world -- All you have for wisdom is phony atheism
What's wise to God -- seems unwise to man
And mankind's wise intelligence to God is ignorance
You don't believe in God, you don't believe in faith
You don't believe in anything, so you can't pray
Stupid world, stupid world
I can't believe you're wastin' a chance for free salvation
You don't believe in sin -- you don't believe in grace
You don't believe in anyone -- but you just wait
Stupid world, stupid world -- Paul in First Corinthians nullifies your wisdom

You don't believe in sin -- you don't believe in grace
You don't believe in anyone -- but you just wait
Stupid world, stupid world -- Paul in First Corinthians nullifies your wisdom
Stupid world, stupid world -- Chapter 1, 18 totally explains things
Stupid world, stupid world -- Chapter 3, 19 totally defines things

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