Stop That Man Lyrics & Tabs by Tune-Yards

Stop That Man

guitar chords lyrics


Album : Nikki Nack 2014 PlayStop

He wanted what is mine but I paid too much
To let him walk away without the love's touch
A city to wreck to crack in some nuts

We'll have to be our own policemen
Please stop that man, stop that man, stop that man So sick of watching idly like a weak man
I needed the trigger in my own hand
A millisecond wiping out your crime crack-a-spine
It's mine, your life for the very first time
All i ask is to be king of good in my neighborhood
All i ask is to be right on top with the help of the cops
The neighborhood's down
It sounds like we'll never have a glim-glam
Splish-splash get my cash

The neighborhood's down
It sounds like we'll never have a glim-glam
Splish-splash get my cash
Splish-splash get my cash
Please stop that man, stop that man, stop that man (x)

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