Stab Lyrics & Tabs by Bratmobile


guitar chords lyrics


Album : Pottymouth female vocalists PlayStop

you want to shut me out
you got to shut me up
you want to shut me in

you shut me in!
you want to stab me
and fuck the wounds
stab me
and fuck the wounds
you want to stab me
and fuck the wounds
you want to shut me out
you try to shut me out
you always cut me off
you shut me off!
stab me

you always cut me off
you shut me off!
stab me
and fuck the wounds
you like to stab me
and fuck the wounds
you got to stab me
and fuck the wounds
you know where i've been
you want to stick it in
you wanna tie me up
you fucked me up!
you want to stab me
and fuck the wounds
stab me
and fuck the wounds
you want to stab me
and fuck the wounds
you want to stab me
and fuck the wounds
stab me
and fuck the wounds
you say it's all a joke
but i know you mean it

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