Porcelain Chords & Lyrics by The Clientele


guitar chords lyrics

The Clientele

Album : The Violet Hour rock PlayStop

E A D G B E or E A D G B E
Cmaj9 : x x 11 8 9 8 x 7 x 5 8 7
A#maj9 : x x 7 4 5 4 x 5 x 3 6 5
C-5 : x x x 5 5 8
D-5 : x x x 7 10 10
B7sus4 : x 14 16141714 x x x 111012(14)
Am9 : x x x 5 5 7
Dm : x x x 7 6 5
Aaug : x x x 6 6 5
Fmaj : x x x 5 6 5

F : x 8 7 5 6 5 x 5 x 5 6 0

Intro : Cmaj9

A darker garden this though pale with beauty

in the louring of the rain

how I long to break the silence

A#maj9 Cmaj9
where the moths & tigers play

A |----3h5-5-5-5-3h5-5-5-5-8-5-5-5-5-3h5-5-5-5---|

C-5 D-5
Driving through the forest in the empty afternoon

C-5 D-5
a Japanese car stalled inside a glade

but the world is porcelain

yes, the world is porcelain


And the quiet nights with the friend who could not stay

left the future all sundazed

A#maj9 - Cmaj9

Alice Jude & Laura singing

all our friends have come to stay

they are laughing in the sunlight

where the criss-cross fountains play

A |----3h5-5-5-5-3h5-5-5-5-8-5-5-5-5-3h5-5-5-5---|

C-5 D-5
Sunlight on the empty house & sunlight on the fields

C-5 D-5
the cul-de-sac, the lawn, the tracks, the lane

but the world is porcelain

yes, the world is porcelain

A#maj9 Cmaj9
Still the evening will not come here

A#maj9 Cmaj9
And the stones are cracked & warm

A#maj9 Cmaj9
And the pool is filled with sunlight

A#maj9 Cmaj9
still the evening will not come

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