Out of Ideas Lyrics & Tabs by A.C.T

Out of Ideas

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Album : SilencePlayStop

I guess I'm out of ideas
How can it be I've got nothing to say
I used to think I was good

I used to say this came naturally
But now there's nothing, no words, no wisdom
Not even nothing about the life that I once lived
This is were hours go by
This piece of paper makes me feel sick
I slowly start to confess
I never got it, I'm just a mess
I'm not ironic, I'm not sarcastic
I'm not poetic nor am I good with words
What's left to say?
Oh, nothing to say, how cruel
Who do you think you fool?

What's left to say?
Oh, nothing to say, how cruel
Who do you think you fool?
You'll never get it right
This is a tragic fight
Can't you see?
This is not what you are meant to be
I start adjusting my chair
I'm getting ready to write about love
That was a desperate attempt
My brain is blank and I stare at the wall
I'm not dramatic, I'm not romantic
I've got no talent, nor am I good with rhymes
Come on, give up!
Oh, nothing to say...

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