Mill Mother's Lament Lyrics & Tabs by Pete Seeger

Mill Mother's Lament

guitar chords lyrics

Pete Seeger

Album : American Folk Anthology folk and protest PlayStop

We leave our homes in the morning
We kiss our children goodbye
While we slave for the bosses

Our children scream and cry
And when we draw our money
Our grocery bills to pay
Not a cent to spend for clothing
Not a cent to lay away
And on that very evening
Our little son will say
I need some shoes mother
And so does sister May
How it grieves the heart of a mother
You everyone must know
But we can't buy for our children

How it grieves the heart of a mother
You everyone must know
But we can't buy for our children
Our wages are too low
It is for our little children
That seem to us so dear
But for us nor them dear workers
The bosses do not care
But understand all workers
Our union they do fear
Let's stand together
And have a union here

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