Lies and Release From Silence Lyrics & Tabs by Envy

Lies and Release From Silence

guitar chords lyrics


Album : All the Footprints You've Ever Left and the Fear Expecting Ahead screamo PlayStop

Scrape up the burned out body
Put my feeling on to it,
fix it and let it

flow in the stream of time
Give anxiety to the continuous rain
Shake off the tainted ashes
Advance, retrace, always raining
at the beginning
Rain an incantation of amnesia
Fill in with felocity and imitation
For whom we travel?
An opened wind vent is filled with
the ready made articles
Realized at the last moment
Depth of affection, consequence

the ready made articles
Realized at the last moment
Depth of affection, consequence
upon infatuation, shame of lacking,
fake conversations
The endless dependence on
top of my fist
Let sound release it
Feet took off for the place
Not to fear, only doubts keep swelling
Forget to worry and keep remaining
Liberation is to hold hands in the back
And summon only words

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