I Guess I Remembered It Wrong Lyrics & Tabs by Superchunk

I Guess I Remembered It Wrong

guitar chords lyrics


Album : On the Mouth north carolina is good for something PlayStop

i guess i remembered it wrong:
i remember flying
straight over the top

when the car it hits the?
how could we had stopped
passed right over, went around
passed right over, went around
? up into my eye
up from the ground
i know there is no way
it could have happened that way
there is no way it could've
happened in any other way
i guess i remember it wrong

happened in any other way
i guess i remember it wrong
i guess i remember it wrong
i think that my memory's strong but
whatever you say
i remember digging up the yard
i remember carrying you from the car
and i stuffed the valuables into the seat
everything was brighter than it seemed
it's all coming back to me now . . .

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