Death's Threshold Step #2 Lyrics & Tabs by The Walkabouts

Death's Threshold Step #2

guitar chords lyrics

The Walkabouts

Album : Train Leaves at Eight 2000 PlayStop

Give me peace
To let me know where I stand
As I walk, that road to untread land

Give me strength
To grasp my very last breath
As I'm weak and torn
At death's threshold step
Give me peace
As I stumble down that road
As I stand
Before that bitter cold
When I climb, them stairs to Quentin Hill
Give me peace my Lord
A heartbeat still
Give me peace

Give me peace my Lord
A heartbeat still
Give me peace
To let me know where I stand
As I walk, that road to untread land
Give me strength
To grasp my very last breath
As I'm weak and torn
At death's threshold step (repeat)

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