Cut Bait Lyrics & Tabs by Banner Pilot

Cut Bait

guitar chords lyrics

Banner Pilot

Album : Resignation DayPlayStop

Today you looked alright
But forcing smiles has to be painful
What's the point of speeding to red lights?

We both know this ain't what you were made for
It's not your home, it's a road at West End
All of the places that you've ever been to keep on strangling you
I guess I'll just make believe the sun will rise when you leave
And wave goodbye to this lonely nowhere town
You spent a lifetime on your own
You know it's cleaner without baggage
Tried but end up traveling alone
Pack any hope that you can salvage
It's time to go off this road at West End
All of the places that you've ever been to keep on strangling you
I guess I'll just make believe the sun will rise when you leave

It's time to go off this road at West End
All of the places that you've ever been to keep on strangling you
I guess I'll just make believe the sun will rise when you leave
And wave goodbye to this lonely nowhere town
She drove her yellow Ford up 94
We all know about the need to wander around the country, to quit
I put some coffee on, sat on the couch
Watched the late autumn leaves and I tried not to think about it

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