Chewy Lyrics & Tabs by User


guitar chords lyrics


Album : Semi-Mental Journey rock PlayStop

Got to brave
I got to keep my place in time
The political scene

Is buried in my head
Got to be brave
Bury my haste
Got to be brave
Bury my hate
You wanna be heard
So be absurd
You wanna be crushed
By a bus of love
Got to be brave
I got to keep my place in time

Got to be brave
I got to keep my place in time
The Political poets
Burst up in to fire
Got to be brave
Got to be brave
Bury the hatchet
Bury the hate
You wanna be heard
So be absurd
You wanna express
Go join a herd
So take a chance
Just be absurd
I wanna be crushed
By a bus of love

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